
Please find recordings, presentations, transcripts, and links to continuing education certificates for the Righting the Wrongs: Tackling Health Inequities

On-demand recordings

Jan. 19 – Day 1:
How Did We Get Here?


The History of Unequal Opportunity

The History of Unequal Opportunity

How Unequal Opportunity Created Unequal Health

Jan. 20 – Day 2:
Justice in Health and Health Care – by Design

Welcome & The Political Determinants of Health

The Evidence Base for Health Equity: What We Know Works

Addressing Health Inequities through Law and Policy

Finding and Fixing Structural Barriers to Equitable Healthcare in the Clinic

From the Walls to the Halls: Changing Health Professions Education to Advance Health Equity

Reflections and Next Steps



Day 1 | Day 2


Resources From Speakers



CMEs for MDs/DOs, please complete the following form with access code JAN1922 before 2/11/22

Click Here for the Form

CNEs for RNs, please complete the following form:

Click Here for the Form

For CPE certificates for other professionals, please complete the following form:

Click Here for the Form

Questions / comments, contact [email protected]